Indication: Indigestion, Flatulence, Vomiting. , Gripes ,Constipation, Teathing Problems.
Formulation Each 10ml. Contains liquid extracts of:-
Sr.No. | Name of ingredients | Latin Name | Quantity |
1 | Podina | Mentha Arvensis | 150mg. |
2 | Saunf | Foeniculam vulga | 100mg. |
3 | Ajwain | Ptychotis Ajwain | 100mg. |
4 | Jeera | Cumimum Cyminum | 100mg. |
5 | Khas | Andropogon Muricatus | 50mg. |
6 | Soya | Anethum Sowa | 150mg. |
7 | Gajwan | Onosoma Bracteatum | 100mg. |
8 | Mulethi | Glycyrrhizal Redix | 100mg. |
9 | Vasaka | Adhatoda Vasica | 70mg. |
10 | Sudha Jal | Lime Water | 30mg |
11 | Mushak Kapoor | Camphora Officinarum | 0.15mg. |
Dose: 5 to 10 ml. three times a day after meals or as directed by the physician.
Bal Amrit Syrup is a natural medicine for kids that helps keep them healthy. It is made to help children stay healthy and feel good overall.
The syrup is usually swallowed, and the amount you need to take might be different depending on how old your child is and which type of medicine it is. It is best to take the syrup as your doctor tells you or as it says on the label.
Bal Amrit Syrup is a well-liked natural health drink that is often given to kids. Different brands and types of Bal Amrit Syrup have different uses, but some common ones include:
Immunity Booster: Bal Amrit Syrup helps to make the immune system stronger, and helps the body fight off infections and sickness better.
Appetite Stimulant: It can help make children want to eat more when they don’t eat much.
Growth and development: The syrup can help kids grow and be healthy by giving them important nutrients and making them feel good overall.
Digestive Support: Bal Amrit Syrup is a medicine that helps kids with their digestion and stomach problems. It makes their stomach healthy.
Energy and Vitality: It might make kids feel more energetic, have better endurance, and be healthier overall.
Breathing: Certain types of Bal Amrit Syrup may be used to help with breathing and keep the respiratory system healthy.
General Health Tonic: Many people use this tonic to help keep children healthy and feeling good overall.
Indication: Blood impurities, Pimplies, Acne, Ringworm, Eczema & Skin diseases like Scabies.
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